A Rhythm of Worship:

Every weekend, to the glory of God

We see the Word of God come alive in a liturgical way during worship. Liturgy is not simply ritual motions, but the relationship of God and His people presented for our community to participate in. Throughout the services, we hear the Old Testament readings, the writings of St. Paul, the beautiful psalms of King David and are instructed in them as they relate to the life of Christ in his church.

In Morning and Evening Prayer, God’s people join together with the choruses of angels and all saints from ages past in proclaiming the praise of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In Holy Eucharist, the primary service celebrated on most Sundays and Saturdays, our community finds its very identity around the altar table. We remember the one sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus for the sake of our sins and the bestowal of new life in Him by partaking of one bread and one chalice as He taught us to do in His name. In this sacramental celebration, we give thanks, receiving grace and renewing our baptism, by which we were redeemed from eternal death and corruption.

Worship involves all of us-clergy, choir, acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, readers, the ladies of St. Martha’s Altar Guild, and all of God’s people. All baptized Christians are welcome to commune at God’s table and ALL are welcome to attend and worship God in mind, body, and spirit. Join us every weekend: Sundays at 10AM & Saturdays at 5PM.

Bound together in common prayer

“For me, worship at St. Stephen’s helps me focus on Christ in my life, away from all the trials and tribulations. Often, we don’t focus on Christ when we are in the world, even if we should. Our worship helps me center myself in Him.”

Dan Cenis, longtime member & parish junior warden

Centuries of tradition, rooted in Holy Scripture, alive today:

A timeless invitation to encounter Jesus in his church.

Participate from a distance!

You are invited to join in worship, whether you are at home or on the move. Every Sunday, worship from the St. Stephen’s sanctuary–streamed live at 10AM on the St. Stephen’s Youtube page.